Procedure Text How to make slippers from jeans

Procedure Text How to make slippers from jeans

Materials and Equipment:
Pair of old, cast-off jeans
25cm wadding
25cm iron-on fusing
Piece of thin cardboard (not the corrugated type), about 30x30cm
Two pattern pieces
Around 60cm ribbon (I’ve used pink and white gingham)
Blue thread (choose a shade that matches your denim)
Straight pins
Pencil/tailor’s chalk
Needle and thread/sewing machine

What to do to completely make slippers

Step one: Prepare the pattern
Step three: Cut the other pattern pieces
Step four: Sew the upper
Step five: Prepare the sole
Step six: Sew the upper to the sole
Step seven: Finish the toe
Step eight: Adorn your slippers

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